
 A.F. Farm Models can offer a wide range of services to meet the needs of both private collector and both to agricultural machineries prot motomanufacturing firms. It is possible to detect, design and create highly accurate models to be used as gadgets or gifts for particular costumers or special events (fairs, exhibitions, anniversaries etc). I can build prototypes, complete models, photo-etched parts, self adhesives and decals and I can make dirty any type of model. If you are a company and you want to biuld your product range in small scale you can send me directly the drawings of your machinery (preferably in 3D and of course I do not need…what you do not see, I mean inner parts or mechanisms) with the absolute certainty of reliability, discretion and professionalism.

See the SERVICES section for a more accurate description of what I can supply and if you need more information or want for a price quote, please contact me - af@felimodels.itThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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